H. L. L.,
Author [in part of '" Hymns from the Land oj Luther ,
" The Story of Four Centuries ;'' ''Missionary
Evenings at Honie,^ 6-Y.
\3J*(flOST of the following Poems have appeared 1/1 9 *n vai"i°us Periodicals, and some of them
have been printed together under the title
of "Thoughts for Thoughtful Hours." The favour- able reception given to these by the public, has led to the whole being collected in the present volume.
Edinburgh, December 1862.
^xthtz to ®^rirb ®biiion.
The present edition of "Thoughtful Hours" will be found considerably enlarged, by the addition of poems written since the date of the last volume.
HURGH, 1867.
V |
New Year Greetings, . . |
9 |
" O Lord, thou Knowest !" |
12 |
Anticipations, |
15 |
A Real Incident, |
l8 |
It is well, |
23 |
" How long?" |
26 |
Darkness and Light |
28 |
A Parting Scene, |
31 |
"At Evening time there shall be Light," |
35 |
Prayer out of the Depths, |
38 |
All things New, |
42 |
Ebenezer, |
45 |
Labour for Christ, |
48 |
Rest, |
5i |
The Desired Haven, |
53 |
The Call Obeyed, |
56 |
" Songs in the Night," |
59 |
Wells of Marah, |
63 |
Memories, |
67 |
" Let there be Light," . .
Awakenings, ...
Streams by the Way, . .
Looking unto Jesus,
" Good Tidings of Great Joy,1
"There is Rest at Home,"
The Hill Difficulty, . .
The Delectable Mountains.
Living Waters,
Our Widowed Queen, . .
On Leaving our old Church.
"lam Thine, Save me,"
Autumn Voices,
"Thy Will be Done," ..
Passing Away,
The Flight Homeward,
" Repos Ailleurs,"
On a Dark Winter Day.
Rachel's Well,
A Pilgrim Song,
An Evening Talk,
Winter Sunshine,
Contents. vii |
Page |
Beacon Lights, |
148 |
" By the brook Cherith," |
151 |
Not Forsaken, |
155 |
Father Forschegrund, |
157 |
Conflict and Victory, |
.. ■ .. .. 163 |
Arise ! Depart ! |
165 |
God keep my Child ! . . |
168 |
Moriah, |
171 |
" Shew me a Token for Good," |
178 |
Autumn, |
181 |
The last Snow on Ben More, |
i«3 |
Tabor, |
187 |
Sabbath Evening Musings, |
191 |
Strength and Peace, |
195 |
The last Sunset, |
198 |
*^To&£ |
If* |
^giEJOICE, my fellow - pilgrim ! for another |\8 stage is o'er
U Of the weary homeward journey, to be travelled through no more : No more these clouds and. shadows shall darken all
our sky ; No more these snares and stumbling-blocks across our path shall lie.
Rejoice, my fellow-soldier! for another long campaign Is ended, and its dangers have not been met in vain j
IO |
New Year Greeti?igs. |
Some |
enemies are driven back thrown ; |
some ramparts over- |
Some |
earnests given that victory at length shall be |
our own ! |
Rejoice, my fellow - servant ! |
for another year is |
past; |
The heat and burden of the day will not for ever |
last; |
And |
yet the work is pleasant Master's smile, |
now, and sweet the |
And well may we be diligent through all our " little |
while." |
Rejoice, my Christian brother! |
for the race is nearer |
run, |
And |
home is drawing nearer sun; |
with each revolving |
And if some ties are breaking |
here, of earthly hope |
and love, |
More |
sweet are the attractions of the better land |
above. |
New Year Greetings. 1 1
The light that shone through all the past will still our
steps attend, The Guide who led us hitherto will lead us to the
end; The distant view is brightening; — with fewer clouds
between, The golden streets are gleaming now, the pearly gates
are seen.
Oh, for the joyous greetings there! to meet and part
no more ! For ever with the Lord and all his loved ones gone
before ! New mercies from our Father's hand with each new
year may come, But that will be the best of all — a blissful welcome
O LonL thou knmvestr
HOU knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrow Of the sad heart that comes to thee for rest : Cares of to-day, and burdens for to-morrow, Blessings implored, and sins to be confessed, I come before thee at thy gracious word, And lay them at thy feet, — thou knowest, Lord.
Thou knowest all the past, — how long and blindly
On the dark mountains the lost wanderer strayed, — Mow the good Shepherd followed, and how kindly
He bore it home, upon his shoulders laid, And healed the bleeding wounds, and soothed the
pain, And brought back life, and hope, and strength again.
" O Lord) thou know est!" 13
Thou knowest all the present, — each temptation, Each toilsome duty, each foreboding fear;
All to myself assigned of tribulation,
Or to beloved ones, than self more dear !
All pensive memories, as I journey on,
Longings for vanished smiles, and voices gone !
Thou knowest all the future, — gleams of gladness, By stormy clouds too quickly overcast, —
Hours of sweet fellowship, and parting sadness, And the dark river to be crossed at last. —
Oh, what could confidence and hope afford
To tread that path, but this, — thou knowest, Lord!
Thou knowest, not alone as God, all-knowing, — As man, our mortal weakness thou hast proved ;
On earth, with purest sympathies o'erflowing,
Oh, Saviour ! thou hast wept, and thou hast loved !
And love and sorrow still to thee may come,
And find a hiding-place, a rest, a home.
14 " O Lord) thou knowest!"
Therefore I come, thy gentle call obeying, And lay my sins and sorrows at thy feet,
On everlasting strength my weakness staying, Clothed in thy robe of righteousness complete :
Then rising and refreshed, I leave thy throne,
And follow on to know as I am known!
JirPjlND is the time approaching, f$&\M By prophets long foretold, ■"""^l When all shall dwell together, One Shepherd, and one fold?
Shall every idol perish,
" To moles and bats " be thrown ? And every prayer be offered
To God in Christ alone?
Shall Jew and Gentile meeting From many a distant shore,
Around one altar kneeling, One common Lord adore ]
1 6 Anticipations.
Shall all that now divides us Remove, and pass away,
Like shadows of the morning Before the blaze of dayl
Shall all that now unites us More sweet and lasting prove,
A closer bond of union, In a blest land of love i .
Shall war be learned no longer?
Shall strife and tumult cease? All earth his blessed kingdom,
The Lord and Prince of Peace !
O long-expected dawning, Come, with thy cheering ray !
When shall the morning brighten, The shadows flee away?
O sweet anticipation !
It cheers the watchers on, To pray, and hope, and labour,
Till the dark night be gone.
A Real Incident
The affecting incident which gave rise to these verses occurred as related, in 1855, in the north of Scotland.
jWO brothers left their cottage home On a bright April morn ; The lark was singing in the sky, The linnet on the thorn; Their mother watched them as they sped,
So gaily up the hill, No thought of fear was in her heart, No shade of coming ill.
But evening came — and they came not, —
Then a long stormy night Of agonizing fears wore on ;
And, with the morning light,
A Real Incident. 1 9
An eager, sympathizing band,
Took in a boat their way, Round the dark rocks which girdled in
A small sequestered bay.
The dark red precipices rose
Sheer from the deep below, With caverns hollowed by the waves
Of ages long ago. 'Twas a wild spot, — a giddy height
To look at from beneath; And from above, one thoughtless step
Were sure and fearful death.
A narrow space of stones and sand
The low tides had left bare, — There was a brief and anxious search,—
They found the lost ones there ! Clasped in each other's arms they lay,
All lifeless, pale, and cold, — Oh, what a tale of agony
Did the first glance unfold !
2o A Real Incident.
With one the mortal strife had passed,
All aid for him was vain ; But one still breathed, — he lived to see
His mother's face again. And ere his spirit passed away,
They asked him, " Was it not An awful night, of pain and fear,
You spent on that lone spot,
With the wild precipice above, • And death so close beside?" But with a placid look and smile,
The dying boy replied, — " Our gra?idmothc7- was with us there;
She stayed the whole night long; And through the noise of winds and waves
I always heard her song ;
" The old low song she used to sing
So often, long ago, When we were young, — before she died.
And went to heaven, you know.
A Real Incident.
And when I knew that she was near,
I could not feel afraid." — 'Twas a strange answer! — who shall tell
The meaning it conveyed I
Was it some idle phantasy
Of the boy's fevered brain, That cheered him through those dreary hours
Of mortal fear and pain, — Some passing sounds by fancy borne
On the cold midnight air? Or did the kindred spirit come,
And keep love's vigil there?
Answer us, blessed souls in rest,
From your bright homes on high ! Tell us, if still on this poor earth
Ye look with pitying eye, — If the departed still may come,
In hours of want and woe, As "ministering spirits" sent
To those they loved below ]
A Real Incident
Vain questions of the weary soul !
We know the Voice that said, " Let not your hearts, who trust in Me,
Be troubled or afraid ; For I am with you evermore
According to my word." — Let this suffice for faith and hope ;
So be it, gracious Lord !
// is well.
; He hath done all things well." — Mark vii. 37.
[0 they said, who saw the wonders Of Messiah's power and love ; So they sing, who see his glory In the Father's house above; Ever reading, in each record
Of the strangely varied past, " All was well which God appointed, All has wrought for good at last."
And on earth we hear the echoes Of that chorus in the sky ;
Through the day of toil or weeping, Faith can raise a glad reply.
7/ is well.
It is well, O saints departed, Well with you, for ever blest ;
Well with us, who journey forward To your glory and your rest !
Times are changing, days are flying,
Years are quickly past and gone, While the wildly mingled murmur
Of life's busy hum goes on; Sounds of tumult, sounds of triumph,
Marriage chimes and passing-bell, — Yet through all one key-note sounding,
Angels' watchword, — " It is well."
We may hear it, through the rushing
Of the midnight tempest's wave, — We may hear it, through the weeping
Round the newly covered grave; In the dreary house of mourning,
In the darkened room of pain, If we listen meekly, rightly,
We may catch that soothing strain.
// is well. 25 J
For thine arm thou hast not shortened,
Neither turned away thine ear, . O Saviour, ever ready
The afflicted's prayer to hear ! Show us light, still surely resting
Over all thy darkest ways \ Give us faith, still surely trusting
Through the sad and evil days.
And thus, while years are fleeting,
Though our joys are with them gone, In thy changeless love rejoicing
We shall journey calmly on; Till at last, all sorrow over,
Each our tale of grace shall tell, In the heavenly chorus joining, —
"Lord, thou hast done all things well:"
How Ion* r
How long, Lord? wilt thou hide thyself for ever? Return, O Lord, how long? — Ps. lxxxix. 46; xc. 13.
OW long, O Lord, in weariness and sorrow, Must thy poor people tread the pilgrim road,
Mourning to-day, and fearing for to-morrow, — Finding no place of rest, no sure abode9 —
Sighing o'er faded flowers and cisterns broken ;
Gazing on setting suns, that rise no more ; List'ning to sad farewells, and last words spoken
By loved ones leaving us on Jordan's shore !
How long, through snares of error and temptation, Shall noblest spirits stumble on their way ?
How long, through darkening storms of tribulation, Must we press forward to eternal day I
" How long ?" 27
How long shall passing faults and trifles sever Hearts that have known affection's holy tie]
When shall the slanderer's tale be hushed for ever, And brethren see in all things eye to eye]
How long shall last the night of toil and sadness, The midnight hour of gloomy doubts and fears ?
When shall it dawn, that promised morn of gladness, When thine own hand shall wipe away our tears]
How long, O Lord] our hearts are sad and weary, Our voices join the whole creation's groan; — ■
With eager gaze we watch for thine appearing,— When wilt thou come again, and claim thine own?
Return ! return ! come in thy power and glory, With all thy risen saints and angel throng;
Bring to a close time's strange, mysterious story, — How long dost thou delay, — O Lord, how long?
Darkness a?ui Light.
ZECH. xiy. 6, 7.
DO not doubt my safety, — that Thy hand Will still uphold, and guard me to the last; And that my feet on Canaan's hills shall stand,
When the long wilderness is overpast ; But often faith is weak, and hope is low, — Forward, indeed, but faint and wearily I go.
I do not doubt Thy love, my Lord, my God !
The love which suffered and which died for me ; The love which sought me on the downward road,
Unclasped the fetters, set the captive free ; But mine seems now so languid, dull, and cold, — O for the blissful hours which I have known of old !
Darkness and Light. 29
I do not doubt thy wise and holy will
Is ever guiding, ruling for the best ; I know my chast'ning Father loves me still,
And that the end is everlasting rest; — But when the path through clouds and tombs leads on, Oh, it is hard to say, Thy will, not mine, be done !
I do not doubt, unworthy though I be, Thy worthiness, my Saviour, is my own ;
One of thy many mansions is for me,
In the good land where sorrow is unknown ; —
But often clouds obscure the distant scene,
And from the flood I shrink, which darkly rolls between.
Ah! whence this dullness? why, O faithless heart,
Thus sadly linger on the pilgrim way? Why not with girded robes arise, depart,
And speed thy progress to the land of day? Nor longer mourn the present or the past, But press towards the prize, which shall be thine at last.
Darkness a?id Li«ht.
Lord, at the evening time let there be light!
Unveil thy presence, bid all darkness fly; Surely, ere now, far spent must be the night,
The morning comes, the journey's end is nigh. Renew my strength, the shortened race to run, Till glory crown the work which grace has here begun !
A Parting Scene.
|HE evening shadows darkened o'er a long calm summer day, When we gathered in the chamber where a dying brother lay; A brave yet gentle spirit, whose earthly course was run, Whose life of love and labour closed with that bright setting sun.
Not many words were spoken, not many sighs were
heard, As through the quiet twilight-hour we watched and
ministered, And felt as only they can feel, who count such
moments o'er, While gazing on the form beloved they soon must see
no more! - ■
32 A Parting Scene.
And one, of all the dearest, was nearest to his side, In silent anguish bending under griefs o'erflowing
tide; So long, in sorrow and in joy, had these two hearts
been one, It seemed as though she could not stay, if he indeed
were gone.
But earthly joys and sorrows for him were ended
now, — The calmness of a better land was resting on his
brow; And when to that sad mourner he softly turned and
spoke, It was as though a spirit-voice the solemn stillness
broke : —
" Now my last prayer is answered, my last desire is
given- Each hope of earth is yielded up, each wish transferred
to heaven ;
A Parting Scene. 33
From nature's latest weakness my Saviour sets me
free, — He gives me strength to separate, Elizabeth, from
And strangely mournful earnestness was in his look and tone,
As slowly from her trembling hand he disengaged his own; —
While on our sinking hearts a cloud of deeper dark- ness fell,
A shadow from the sepulchre came with that last farewell.
But the pale weeper started, and faith and courage
high, Gave sudden colour to her cheek, and brightness to
her eye, While she spoke in words which sounded like a
whisper from above, An angel-message sent us by the God of light and
love : —
34 A Parti?ig Scene.
" Not so, my friend and brother ! I take this hand
again, In token of a lasting bond, unbroken to remain ! Still as mine own I claim it, I clasp it to my heart; For those in Christ united, not death itself can part !"
Then a gleam of heavenly radiance illumed those
dying eyes, Like sunbeams breaking suddenly through clouded
evening skies; — And thus a noble spirit passed from mortal toils away, And earthly twilight was exchanged for everlasting
" At Evening time there shall be Light." 35
fIGHT at the evening time!
Oh, blessed hope, when on the waters dark
Faith's straining eye can scarce discern the Ark, And the poor dove, in weary flight around, No olive branch has found !
Light at the evening time ! Oh, blessed hope, when brightest suns have set In strange eclipse, while it was noonday yet, And we remain in chill and silent fear
Within the shadow drear !
36 " At Evening time there shall be Light."
Light at the evening time ! Oh, precious promise, shining through the gloom, When a sad nation stands around the tomb Where Genius sleeps, and dearest hopes are laid
Low in death's awful shade !
Light at the evening time ! Oh, cheering thought, when Thy mysterious ways Leave us, O Father, in the strange amaze Where faith can only anchor on that word,
" So hast thou willed, good Lord [n
Light at the evening time ! Yes, suddenly and dark the thunder-cloud May wrap the skies of noon in deepest shroud, But the sun is not quenched, — a golden ray
Shall come ere close of day.
Light at the evening time ! Oh, God of love! no darkness dwells with thee, And in thy light at last we light shall see; Thy covenant of promise faileth never, —
Thine own are thine for ever!
" At Evening time there shall be Light." 3 7
Light at the evening time! Let us walk forward, through the cloudy day, Till we arrive where storms are passed away, And all eternity's disclosures tell,
God hath done all things well !
December 29, 1856.
Prayer out of the Depths.
' From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed : lead me to the rock that is higher than I." — Ps. lxi. 2.
PjPjilLL in weakness, all in sorrow, ffft vl O my God, I come once more, £2*l2S Lifting up the sad petition Thou hast often heard before, In the former days of darkness, In the time of need of yore.
For a present help in trouble
Thou hast never ceased to be, Since at first a weeping sinner
Fell before thee trustingly; And thy voice is ever sounding,
" O ye weary, come to Me."
Prayer out of the Depths. 39
Lord, thou knowest all the weakness Of the creatures thou hast made,
For with mortal imperfection
Thou didst once thy glory shade;
Thou hast loved and thou hast sorrowed, In the veil of flesh arrayed.
Thus I fear not to approach thee
With my sorrow and my care ; Hear my mourning supplication,
Cast not out my humble prayer ! Lay not on a greater burden
Than thy feeble child can bear!
Earth has lost its best attractions, All the brightest stars are gone, —
All is clouded now and cheerless, Where so long a glory shone :
Where I walked with loved companions, I must wander now alone.
40 Prayer out of the Depths.
All is dark on the horizon, Clouds returning after rain ; —
Faith is languid, Hope is weary, And the questions rise again,
" Doth the promise fail for ever? Hast thou made all men in vain?"
O my God, rebuke the tempter,
Let not unbelief prevail ! Pray for me, thy feeble servant,
That my weak faith may not fail, Nor my Hope let go her anchor
When the waves and storms assail!
All these passing, changing shadows, All these brief, bright joys below,—
Let me grasp them not so closely, Nor desire nor prize them so !
Nor endure this bitter anguish When thou bid's! me let them go!
Prayer out of the Depths. 4 1
0 Redeemer, shall one perish Who has looked to thee for aid?
Let me see thee, let me hear thee, Through the gloomy midnight shade !
Let me hear thy voice of comfort, "It is I; be not afraid!"
For when feeling thou art near me,
All my loneliness is o'er, And the tempter's dark suggestions
Can oppress my soul no more; —
1 shall dread the path no longer Where thyself hast gone before.
And the lights of earth all fading,
I can gaze on tearlessly, When the glory that excelleth,
When the light of life, I see. Whom beside, in earth or heaven,
Should my heart desire, but thee?
All things neiu.
2 Cor. v. i 7 ; Rev. xxi. 5.
HOU makest all things new! Old things have passed away,- and fears,
-the hopes
The joys and griefs, of unconverted years:
And as they sunk at once, or slowly fled.
Some sighs were heaved, some bitter tears were shed ;
For not without a pang can the fond heart
From its long-cherished idols bear to part:
But that is over, — if some joys were there,
Oh, how much more of sorrow and of care !
Let them depart; or, in the silent hour
When Memory reigns with her resistless power,
If they return to haunt the soul again
With fond regrets, and images of pain,
All things new. 43
Then to thyself, all weary and oppressed, Help us, 0 Lord, to fly, and find our rest; And let all mental storm and conflict cease, Before thy words of blessing and of peace.
Thou makest all things new! Within the broken heart new hopes arise, New prospects cheer the mourner's weeping eyes; Over the gloomy past a light has shone, And all its phantoms of despair are flown ; From the dark future comes a cheering ray, The smiling dawn of an eternal day. New sweetness breathes in every present bliss, And sorrow's cup has lost its bitterness; New motives, objects, energies, extend All through life's journey, to the welcome end. — Shame on the faithless heart and feeble knees Which falter on, uncheered by thoughts like these ! Rather, with hearts enlarged, and eager pace, Strengthen us, Lord, to run th' appointed race, Above all nature's weakness bravely rise, And press towards the mark, to gain the prize !
44 4. /I things new.
Thou makest all things new! New upon earth, and, oh ! what vistas given Of brighter hopes to be fulfilled in heaven ! Eye hath not seen, and words may not declare, The things prepared for thy redeemed ones there; Where countless myriads, one in heart and voice, In the new song of love and praise rejoice, — "Worthy art thou, O Saviour divine; Glory and honour be for ever thine ! For us thyself hast suffered and obeyed, — With thine own blood our ransom thou hast paid; Now faultless we appear before thy throne, — The bliss is ours, the glory all thine own : Strong in thy strength, the weakest have prevailed, Of all thy promises not one has failed, — All is fulfilled, which faith and hope received, When on the earth we saw not, yet believed; All the report we heard in days of old, All has been true, — but not the half was told!"
" Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." — I Sam. vii. 12.
jHUS far the Lord hath led us on, — in dark- ness and in day, Through all the varied stages of the narrow homeward way. Long since, he took that journey, he trod that path
alone ; Its trials and its dangers full well himself hath known.
Thus far the Lord hath led us, — the promise has not
failed, The enemy encountered oft has never quite prevailed : The shield of faith has turned aside, or quenched
each fiery dart; The Spirit's sword, in weakest hands, has forced him
to depart.
46 Ebenezer.
Thus far the Lord hath led us, — the waters have been
high, But yet in passing through them we felt that he was
nigh. A very present helper in trouble we have found ; His comforts most abounded when our sorrows did
Thus far the Lord hath led us, — our need has been supplied,
And mercy has encompassed us about on every side;
Still falls the daily manna, the pure rock-fountains flow,
And many flowers of love and hope along the way- side grow.
Thus far the Lord hath led us, — and will he now for- sake
The feeble ones whom for his own it pleased him to take?
Oh, never, never ! earthlv friends may cold and faith- less prove,
But his is changeless pity, and everlasting love.
Ebe?iezer. 47
Calmly we look behind us, on joys and sorrows past; We know that all is mercy now, and shall be well at
last. Calmly we look before us, — we fear no future ill; Enough for safety and for peace, if thou art with us
Yes, " They that know thy name, O Lord, shall put
their trust in thee," While nothing in themselves but sin and helplessness
they see. The race thou hast appointed us, with patience we
can run; Thou wilt perform unto the end the work thou hast
Labour for Christ.
" Always abounding in the work of the Lord.1 i Cor. xv. 58.
tj^sjgalOME, labour on!
IjPPpsi Who dares stand idle on the harvest plain?
' ^* While all around him waves the golden
grain, And to each servant does the Master say, "Go, work to-day!"
Come, labour on ! Claim the high calling angels cannot share,— To young and old the gospel gladness bear; Redeem the time, its hours too swiftly fly,
The night draws nigh.
Labour for Christ. 49
-Come, labour on! The labourers are few, the field is wide, New stations must be filled, and blanks supplied ; From voices distant far, or near at home, The call is, " Come !
Come, labour on! The enemy is watching, night and day, To sow the tares, to snatch the seed away. While we in sleep our duty have forgot,
He slumbered not.
Come, labour on ! Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear ! No arm so weak but may do service here ; By feeblest agents can our God fulfil
His righteous will.
Come, labour on ! No time for rest, till glows the western sky, While the long shadows o'er our pathway lie, And a glad sound comes with the setting sun, —
" Servants, well done !"
Labour for Christ,
Come, labour on ! The toil is pleasant, the reward is sure, Blessed are those who to the end endure ; — How full their joy, how deep their rest shall be,
O Lord, with thee !
" We which have believed do enter into rest." — Heb. iv. 3.
[EST, weary soul!
The penalty is borne, the ransom paid, For all thy sins full satisfaction made ; Strive not thyself to do what Christ has done, Claim the free gift, and make the joy thine own. No more by pangs of guilt and fear distrest, Rest, sweetly rest !
Rest, weary heart! From all thy silent griefs and secret pain, Thy profitless regrets and longings vain ; Wisdom and love have ordered all the past, All shall be blessedness and light at last; Cast off the cares that have so long opprest, —
Rest, sweetly rest !
5 2 Rest.
Rest, weary head ! Lie down to slumber in the peaceful tomb, Light from above has broken through its gloom. Here, in the place where once thy Saviour lay, Where he shall wake thee on a future day, Like a tired child upon its mother's breast,
Rest, sweetly rest !
Rest, spirit free ! In the green pastures of the heavenly shore, Where sin and sorrow can approach no more ; With all the flock by the Good Shepherd fed, Beside the streams of life eternal led, For ever with thy God and Saviour blest, —
Rest, sweetly rest !
The Desired Haven.
" Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word." — Luke ii. 29.
ORD, the waves are breaking o'er me and around; Oft of coming tempests I hear the moan- ing sound; Here there is no safety, rocks on either hand, — Tis a foreign roadstead, a strange and hostile land; Wherefore should I linger 1 others gone before Long since safe are landed on a calm and friendly
shore : Now the sailing orders in mercy, Lord, bestow, — Loose the cable, let me go !
* These verses were first printed, by a mistake, among some translations from the German.
54 The Desired Haven.
Lord, the night is closing round my feeble bark ; How shall I encounter its watches long and dark? Sorely worn and shattered by many a billow past, Can I stand another rude and stormy blast? Ah ! the promised haven I never may attain, Sinking and forgotten amid the lonely main; Enemies around me, gloomy depths below, — Loose the cable, let me go !
Lord, I would be near thee, with thee where thou art; Thine own word hath said it, 'tis l better to depart.' There to serve thee better, there to love thee more, With thy ransomed people to worship and adore. Ever to thy presence thou dost call thine own ; Why am I remaining, helpless and alone? Oh, to see thy glory, thy wondrous love to know ! — Loose the cable, let me go !
Lord, the lights are gleaming from the distant shore, Where no billows threaten, where no tempests roar. Long beloved voices calling me I hear, — Oh, how sweet their summons falls upon my ear !
The Desired Haven. 5 5
Here are foes and strangers, faithless hearts and cold ; There is fond affection, fondly proved of old ! Let me haste to join them; may it not be so] — Loose the cable, let me go!"
Hark, the solemn answer! — hark, the promise sure!
" Blessed are the servants who to the end endure !
Yet a little longer hope and tarry on,
Yet a little longer, weak and weary one !
More to perfect patience, to grow in faith and love ;
More my strength and wisdom and faithfulness to
prove ; Then the sailing orders the Captain shall bestow, — Loose the cable, let thee go!"
The Call Obeyed.
" Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." — Matt. xi. 28.
flAVIOUR, I come for rest! To thy call of love replying, On thy word of grace relying, All weary and opprest; My sin, and grief, and care, Now to thy feet I bring, to leave them there.
I wandered long and far, In the groves of Folly playing, On the wastes of Error straying,
No guard or guiding star;
Blindly I wandered on, Seeking around for rest, and finding none.
The Call Obeyed. 57
All became cold and drear, — The wayside blossoms faded, Dark clouds the sunshine shaded,
No sound of hope or cheer;
Darkness on all the past, And a dark gulf before, which must be reached at last.
But then thy voice I heard; — O how free the invitation ! O how glorious the salvation
Revealed in every word !
I heard, as captives hear The trumpet tones which tell of a deliverer near.
I heard, and I obey. Thy precious blood has bought me, Thy wondrous love has sought me, And brought me here to-day, — Here, to thy mercy's throne, Pleading thy power to save, thy merits to atone.
58 The Call Obeyed.
My Saviour, thou wilt hear! Simply thy love believing, Freely thy grace receiving,
Why should I doubt or fear ?
Unchanged thy words remain, That not one sinful soul should seek thy grace in vain.
Whom can I seek but thee? Thou hast borne the load so weary, Thou hast trod the path so dreary.
To set the captives free.
No further would I roam, But close to thee abide, through all my journey home.
Home, with thyself at last ! In the clear light of heaven To see all sin forgiven,
All grief and danger past,
For ever safe and blest! — Lord, I believe, I love, I enter into rest !
" Songs in the Night'
* In the night his song shall be with me." — Ps, xlii. 8.
S it night with thee, my brother % Is there darkness on thy soul 1 Over the hopes and joys of earth Do the clouds of sorrow roll 1 Is thy spirit faint within thee, Watching for morning light ? Come, then, let us sing together,
A song of faith, in the night.
Let us cheer the hours of darkness With a tale of sunshine past, Or thoughts of a glory yet to shine
When the morning breaks at last;
60 " Songs in the Night."
Through our present toil and sorrow Let us look for joys to come, And sing in the exile stranger land Of the love and rest at home.
In weariness, pain, and weakness, Have thy long years passed away? Is thy free born spirit imprisoned now In its shattered house of clay? Come, sing of the joyful moment That will set the captive free ; Of the new, and strong, and deathless frame Which at length thine own shall be.
Has many a hope deceived thee % Has many a promise failed ? Has the Enemy, with his fiery darts, Oft thy sinking soul assailed % Think of the mighty Victor
Who has braved for thee his power, — We may sing of the conquest Christ hath won, In our weakest and darkest hour.
" Songs in the Night T 61
To the cold, dark place of silence, Are thy best beloved ones gone % In the ways so often together trod Must thou sadly walk alone % Listen, and catch some echoes, Some notes of a heavenly strain ; We shall sing it soon in our Father's house, • When the lost are found again.
Or is a yet deeper anguish Oppressing thy lonely heart? Is it sadder far from living love
Than from buried love to part ] Turn from earth's failing friendships To the sinner's changeless Friend, And sing of Him, who has loved us long, Who will love us " to the end."
Yes, sing in the night, my brother, A soft and a soothing song Of Him, whose faithfulness and love Will give to thee light ere long.
62 |
" Songs in the Night? |
Sing on, though but low and broken |
As yet may the accents rise, — |
At |
length they shall mingle, full and clear, |
In the anthem of the skies ! |
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Wells of Marah.